AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM.
Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC (POWER) version 7 enables a unique performance advantage for AIX OS.
POWER7 features new capabilities using multiple cores and multiple CPU threads, creating a pool of virtual CPUs.
AIX 7 includes a new built-in clustering capability called Cluster Aware
AIX POWER7 systems include the Active Memory Expansion feature.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Alternate Disk Migration..!!!

How to migrate without NIM Server 4.3 on AIX 5L ...

1st Introduction
AIX 4.3.3 is from the support, maintenance level 11 will be the last. High time then to migrate the system to AIX 5th But play along, what if the applications but not promised any problems with the new (and substantially changed technically unsuccessful) version 5.2? Since it is reassuring when you can always switch back to the 4.3er system.
An elegant method is the "Alternate Disk Migration." This document describes a way, this method without a NIM server to perform. If a NIM server available, you can save a lot of downtime, if you use the NIM method for "Alternate Disk Migration."

2nd More disk set (s) available
The first step is for the new system requires additional plates. Whether you look at the place by breaking the existing mirror or by installing one or more additional disks purchased, is left to their own risk.
The following is from an existing one from disk rootvg assumed that is migrated to another disk.

3rd Cloning the rootvg
Before beginning the migration, the following picture:


 aix:/# oslevel -r 
 aix:/# lspv

 hdisk0         00409a3b7b33324f    None           
 hdisk1         004aa73ab75b596c    rootvg
The rootvg is currently located on hdisk1, hdisk0 is for the new (5.2er) system provided. First, the system is cloned with the alt_disk_install command:


 aix:/# alt_disk_install -C hdisk0 
 Mkszfile call to create a new file /
 The current logical disk for the boot process, / dev/hd5,: 0301-168 bosboot
         does not exist in / dev/hdisk0.
 Panel sizes are checked.
 Creation of cloned rootvg volume group and associated logical volumes.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd5.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd6.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd8.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd4.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd2.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd9var.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd3.
 Creating logical volumes alt_hd1.
 Creation of file system / alt_inst /.
 Creation of file system / alt_inst / home.
 Creation of file system / alt_inst / tmp.
 Creation of file system alt_inst / / usr.
 Creation of file system alt_inst / / var.
 Generate a list of files for backup and recovery in an alternative file system ...
 Securing the rootvg files and restoring files in an alternative file system ...
 Change of ODM on cloned disk.
 Boot image on cloned disk is created.
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / var
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / usr
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / tmp
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / home
 slopes of forced alt_inst /
 slopes of forced alt_inst /
 Changing the names of logical volumes in volume group descriptor for.
 Correction of LV control blocks ...
 Correcting file system superblocks ...
 Boot list is set to the following boot disk: hdisk0
Subsequently, the following picture:


 aix:/# lspv 
 hdisk0         00409a3b7b33324f    altinst_rootvg 
 hdisk1         004aa73ab75b596c    rootvg

Note that the boot list is set so that would boot after the next reboot the cloned system. But this is currently still the same as the old system.

4th Migration on the cloned system 5L
The boot list is set on the CD-ROM drive so that normal migration installation can boot from the AIX 5.2 CD.

 aix:/# bootlist -m normal cd0 hdisk0

Insert CD, reboot prompt and run the "Migration Installation" (default). Take care not to migrate to the cloned hdisk, which was previously listed under altinst_rootvg (in our case, hdisk0).
After the migration, in which all six discs are required, the system will boot as version 5 and it gives the following picture:

 aix:/# oslevel -r 
 aix:/# lspv 
 hdisk0         00409a3b7b33324f    rootvg          active 
 hdisk1         004aa73ab75b596c    old_rootvg

5th The use of the command "alt_disk_install»
The old rootvg is inactive after the restart and should not be using the normal commands, VG (varyonvg, importvg, exportvg, ...) is enabled or disabled, as this leads to changes in the alternate rootvg ODM, which leads to the alternative system can not be started. Instead, only the command uses alt_disk_install.
a. Enable the alternate rootvg for maintenance etc (WAKE UP)After the "Alternate Install Disk" is the old rootvg inactive. This should continue to be the normal state. Can activate the old_rootvg (or altinst_rootvg) in the event that you want to perform maintenance work on the new system from the old to the rootvg. This is done with:


aix:/# alt_disk_install -W hdisk1 
 Volume group is activated altinst_rootvg ...
It was as follows:

aix: / #lsvg -o



aix:/# lsvg -o

 aix:/# df -m
 Dateisystem MB-Blöcke      Frei %Belegt    Iused %Iused Angehängt an
 /dev/hd4        32,00     13,56     58%     2567    16% /
 /dev/hd2      2848,00     76,99     98%    68662    10% /usr
 /dev/hd9var     64,00     55,30     14%      584     4% /var
 /dev/hd3        32,00     28,74     11%       65     1% /tmp
 /dev/hd1        32,00     30,84      4%       60     1% /home
 /proc               -         -      -         -     -  /proc
 /dev/hd10opt     32,00     26,20     19%      196     3% /opt
 /dev/alt_hd4     16,00      2,89     82%     2437    30% /alt_inst
 /dev/alt_hd1      8,00      7,61      5%       60     3% /alt_inst/home
 /dev/alt_hd3     32,00     30,73      4%       47     1% /alt_inst/tmp
 /dev/alt_hd2   2488,00    191,29     93%    68625    11% /alt_inst/usr
 /dev/alt_hd9var   8,00      5,64     30%      291    15% /alt_inst/var

b. Disable the alternate rootvg (PUT TO SLEEP)Can disable the altinst_rootvg anchließend with


aix:/# alt_disk_install -S
 Disk group is disabled altinst_rootvg ...
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / var
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / usr
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / tmp
 slopes of forced / alt_inst / home
 slopes of forced alt_inst /
 slopes of forced alt_inst /
 Correction of LV control blocks ...
 Correcting file system superblocks ...

c. Other operationsWith the command alt_disk_install additional surgery may be performed, such as deleting the old system. Information can be found alt_disk_install in the manual page of command.

6th Booting the old system
First, we verified that the alternate rootvg is not active. This is an absolute requirement, since the alternatives system will not start otherwise!
Thereafter, only the boot list is to be set so that the boot disk of the rootvg first alternative is, as in our case:

 aix:/# bootlist -m normal hdisk1

After the reboot, you find yourself back on the old 4.3er system. By changing the boot list from the old system can also be made at any time, on the new system.
Warning: Never 4.3er the system from the rootvg 5.2er-activate, even via the command alt_disk_install!

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