AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM.
Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC (POWER) version 7 enables a unique performance advantage for AIX OS.
POWER7 features new capabilities using multiple cores and multiple CPU threads, creating a pool of virtual CPUs.
AIX 7 includes a new built-in clustering capability called Cluster Aware
AIX POWER7 systems include the Active Memory Expansion feature.

Friday, January 25, 2013

8 ways to get strong without the gym

Run There can be no better form of exercise or method of building stamina, than regularly running. Not only does running help you burn fat and calories, it also tones the muscles of your legs and butt. So, wake up an hour earlier than usual, and make running a part of your life!

Swim Regular swimming and doing at least 40 laps in the pool can help build stamina, gain strength, flex muscles and also be blessed with a more streamlined body. The energetic and youthful feeling that you get along with it is a bonus!

Push-ups One of the most basic methods of strength training, push ups can be performed anywhere and anytime. You do not need any equipment for doing them. All you need is half hour of the day, preferably in the morning. With push ups, the muscles on your chest, shoulders and triceps get stronger.
Sit-ups To strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, sit ups are another basic strength training form of exercise. You must, however, be careful not to focus on the neck or back muscles while performing sit ups.
Take the stairs Is your office on the 8th floor? Take the stairs. Do you live on the first or second floor? Run on the stairs each time you need to go upstairs or downstairs. Not only does taking the stairs give you a stronger heart, it also enhances the heart rate and builds up the muscles, over a period of time.
Aerobics Aerobics are an excellent way of building bodily strength. Moreover, they are also beneficial in enhancing the strength of heart muscles and overall health. You could either join aerobic classes or get a video and do the exercises at home
Lift dumbells Spend about 15 minutes of your morning lifting weights and experience the strengthening of your muscles over a period of time. Keep increasing the weight of the dumbbells as you feel your muscles growing stronger.
Yoga Yoga, as we all know, has a host of health benefits. What you perhaps did not know is that it also is a great way to build physical strength, if practiced regularly and diligently. Along with strength, it can also help you develop flexibility and balance. Practicing some or even one of the above methods of exercise is certain to help you enhance your bodily strength. However, learn to be patient and diligent as any form of exercise takes a certain period of time before the results begin to show.

Makeup linked to weight gain

The details:  Non-organic makeup brands often contain substances that are not great for our health. One chemical that has worried people in recent years is phthalates, which are in around 70 per cent of all cosmetics, including things like makeup, cleaning products and body lotions.

Shocking health fact: Researchers at the Mount Sinai Medical Centre in New York conducted a study that found a strong correlation between the high levels of phthalates in children’s urine and obesity. Although the research did not conclude that phthalates cause weight gain the study does suggest that these chemicals play a contributing role to obesity.

Green tea can prevent osteoporosis

The details: Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease and it can be incredibly painful. The disease weakens bones and can lead to sudden fractures and breakages. Women are four times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis because they have lighter and thinner bones than men. They also live for longer.

Shocking health fact: Studies into the benefits of green tea have found that this herbal drink contains chemicals that can stimulate bone growth.Interestingly, it has also been suggested that compounds within green tea inhibit bone resorption, which weakens bones. If you’re not a fan of green tea you could always add some honey to a cup of the herbal drink, or try flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil has also been found to help those at risk of developing osteoporosis because it contains fatty acids that positively affect bone density.

Your lipstick could lead to heart failure

The details:  Many big brand lipsticks contain harmful chemicals, such as parabens, methacrylate, lead, calcium and triclosan. Harmful substances like these are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream because you are applying them directly to your lips, which make them dangerous. Also, most ladies retouch their lipstick repeatedly throughout the day. If you are an appearance-conscious woman you could therefore be putting high levels of these substances into your body unknowingly.  

Shocking health fact:
Although none of the chemicals listed above are good for us, triclosan is particularly harmful. Researchers have found that when mice are exposed to this chemical their brain processes are interrupted and that this disruption could lead to heart failure and muscular problems. Although the study was not tested on humans, there is still concern that triclosan does pose a health risk and one of the biggest skincare companies, Johnson and Johnson, proposed to remove this chemical from their products. They also announced they would no longer use parabens

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Foods That Can Cure Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids don't last long and can be relieved with care at home, and people with them have excellent prognosis. We give you some food-made home treatments to make prognosis even better, so that you get rid of flare-ups of bleeding or discomfort from time to time.

To be aware of hemorrhoids earlier, we give you a brief discussion about the whole problem.
What are hemorrhoids :Hemorrhoids are dilated, blood-filled, painful veins in the rectum. According to the anatomical distribution of veins, hemorrhoids can be classified into:

1-Internal hemorrhoids which is formed of swollen internal veins which unless they are severe, they cannot be seen or felt.

2-External hemorrhoids which are formed of swollen external veins which can be seen around the outside of the anus and, in many times can be felt.

The 3 main ailments that can be associated with hemorrhoids are; Constipation, Liver diseases, and Pregnancy, where there is increased pressure that leads blood to pile-up in the hemorrhoid veins causing them to swell.Hemorrhoids are very common and have been estimated to occur in up to half the population by age 50.

Use These Food Remedies:

l- Eat 1 teaspoonful fenugreek seeds daily. Boil the seeds to soften it and if you do not like its taste , boil it repeatedly. Also you can mince the softened seeds in your mixer with your preferred flavor whether sweet or spicy. It will soften your stool normally without any need to other laxatives.

ll- The following foods are made into cream like preparation using plants and oils. Should you feel more satisfied about its consistency, mix it with your OTC cream:

1- Roasted Caraway seeds are ground and powdered on the hemorrhoids.

2- Eggplant + Bitter Almond + Green Almond + Olive oil. Boil all ingredients and paste them into a cream like base. Mince if you need.Apply locally.

3- Grilled Onion is pasted with Olive Oil. Apply locally.

4- Chamomile flowers+ Olive oil. Boil until charring the Chamomile,then filter and apply the remaining oil after washing and drying the anus.

5- Kale juice + Aloe gel. Mix and apply locally every day. You can add Olive oil to this mixture.

6- Unripe green walnut shell + Olive Oil. Boil until the shell is completely rut, mince, paste and apply it locally.

Use 1 oz of each of the recommended ingredients. If you need to increase the amount of an ingredient for a better consistency, increase the oil amount.

How do you feel hemorrhoids ;Unless the internal hemorrhoids are severe, you can only know that you have external hemorrhoids, when you see bright red blood topside the stools, or dripping into toilet. It is not long lasting bleeding. External hemorrhoids can be classified into 2 types :

1- Prolapsed hemorrhoids :It is formed when the internal hemorrhoids swell and then extend through the anus, from outside. Itching in the anus may develop from prolapsed hemorrhoids.Many times you can solve the problem by rubbing them with Castor oil and pushing them back through the anus. If the hemorrhoids cannot be pushed back, then they may swell even more , and you need to see a doctor.

2- Thrombosed hemorrhoids :The stagnant blood in hemorrhoids may form a clot leading to more swollen hemorrhoids and causing an increased pain, which is worsened by bowl movement or sometimes with sitting. This also may require a doctor's examination and treatment
In general, if there is bleeding, prolapsed hemorrhoids that does not go back through the anus, or if you feel a significant pain from hemorrhoids, you should see your doctor. A special care should be considered, if you are over 40 and have a family history of Colon Cancer.

Self-Care at home is recommended by doctors :
Procedure of treatment of hemorrhoids, most of the time is conservative and performed at home.There are certain measures to be considered for a hemorrhoids patient including:

1- Sanitary control :
Hemorrhoids occurring in an extremely difficult place, should receive a special hygienic care, this include :
# Hot sitz baths: A sitz bath is recommended 3 times a day and after each bowl movement for at least 15 minutes (sitting in a few inches of warm or luke water).
# Be sure to thoroughly dry the skin and the anus after each bath so that it does not rub and becomes torn
# If these antiseptic solutions are sold OTC in your country,they are helpful for thoroughly cleansing:
* Potassium Permangnate solution 1:8000.
* Povidone-Iodine 10% solution (Betadine) .

Dietary :
1- Drink more water and eat more leafy green vegetables.2- Increase the amount of bran and fibers in your diet.
Stool Softener :
Laxatives of different sorts have been used to ease excretion of stools. Laxatives that produce watery stools that may cause infection in the anus should be avoided.
Sitting Restrictions :

Some doctors recommend their patients not to sit for a long period of time, and some people feel more comfortable sitting on an air doughnut.

Over-The-Counter medications :
Many creams, ointments, and suppositories are sold as medicines and pain relievers for hemorrhoids in many countries. Some of them contain corticosteroids and might cause the hemorrhoids to take longer to heal, so consult your doctor first.

Laughing For Health

Popular wisdom has it that laughter is the best medicine. A growing number of scientific studies are now providing proof.

The effect of laughter on physical and mental well-being is the purview of gelotology, the study of humour and laughter. This new field of study has found that the longer and more often you laugh, the greater the health benefits.

Various kinds of stimuli cause laughter, explained Michaela Schaeffner, head of the Munich-based Association of German Laughter Therapists. They include emotional stimuli such as a good mood while on holiday, mental stimuli like a funny joke and physical stimuli such as tickling.

"When it comes to mental and physical stimuli, the key is an element of surprise, a sense of contrast,"Schaeffer said. When the brain receives an appropriate stimulus, it sets laughter in motion."More than a hundred muscles are involved, from facial to respiratory,"noted Carsten Niemitz, director of the Institute of Human Biology and Anthropology at the Free University of Berlin.

Breathing during laughter is deeper than usual, which affects the whole body. "More oxygen flows to the body's cells" the bronchia are ventilated, catabolic processes are advanced, muscles relax, the heart and circulation are stimulated,"said Michael Titze, lecturer at the March Institute of Psychotherapy in the Brandenburg town of Baruth. In addition, laughter boosts healing. A laughing person's brain blocks production of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisone. "When someone laughs, more serotonin or "the happiness hormone,"is secreted. So if you laugh a lot, you'll feel better,"Niemitz said.

Good laughter-training methods include regional laughter club meetings, laughter seminars and laughter yoga."Laughter yoga begins by activating the laughter muscles via various playful exercises,"Schaeffner said. The exercises have to do with making sounds, facial expressions and body movements as well as breathing techniques and stimulating the diaphragm.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Honey Recipe To Lower Cholesterol

Research on the benefits of honey for health is proceeding in all directions. Today we discuss its effect on lowering cholesterol, as well as the effect of another ingredient in the recipe -Almond- on LDL-Cholesterol or (bad cholesterol).

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that drinking four tablespoons of honey mixed into a 16-ounce glass of water improved the antioxidant levels in the blood of 25 men aged 18-68.The trial was over 5 weeks. Dr Nicki Engeseth, who led the study which was presented to the American Chemical Society, said: "It looks like honey is having a mild protective effect."

It was already known that honey contained varying levels of antioxidants, with dark honey having more than light. But this is the first study to examine honey's effect on human blood.

In a second study, published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, Canadian researchers showed eating almonds lowered cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease. They found that eating 74 grams daily for 1 month lowered the low-density lipoproteins (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) of Twenty-seven men and women with an average age of 64 and high cholesterol, by 9.4%.
Alice Lichtenstein, vice-chair of the American Heart Association's nutrition committee, said: "This study suggests that replacing carbohydrates with monounsaturated fat - within the context of a diet that is low in saturated, trans fat and cholesterol - favourably affects cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk."

I found this recipe which fulfill the requirements of a healthy eating aimed at lowering cholesterol through its content of honey and almond and their effect on the cardiovascular system, cinnamon and its blood glucose lowering effect, together with fibers in orange. I hope you enjoy this recipe taste as well as its health benefits.

Honey Glazed Nuts recipe

Posted by Olga at recipe 2/16/2002 8:02 pm
4 cups whole blanched almonds
1/4 cup honey
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Grated zest of 1 orange
Heat oven to 375 degrees F.
Toss all the ingredients together.
Transfer almonds to a greased baking sheet.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until lightly toasted, stirring occasionally.
Store in an airtight container.

Effects Of Blood Circulation In Human Body

Our Circulatory System

Our body circulatory system have 3 parts: pulmonary circulation (lungs), coronary circulation (heart), and systemic circulation (the rest). This system mainly involves the heart, the lungs and the blood vessels. The lungs provide oxygen for the heart to pump to the rest of our body. This is done through blood circulation, the blood carries the oxygen from the lungs to the heart.

The heart then pumps the blood full of oxygen to all of our body cells. Nutrients are also carried in the blood to these cells. Our body cells and tissues will die if they do not receive blood.

The blood always circulates throughout our body, in arteries, capillaries and veins. It moves in the arteries away from the heart, to other parts of the body. As the arteries gets smaller as the blood travels away from the heart, they become capillaries. It is from here that oxygen is supplied to the tissues and in turn, takes away the waste and carbon dioxide.

The returning blood circulation then enters the right side of the heart and moves on to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is deposited. It then picks up more oxygen and returns to the left side of the heart. The whole process is repeated as the heart pumps the blood again.

So, how do blood circulation affects our health? In many ways, in fact, the circulation affects the whole body and its functions, and is a basic precondition to maintain good health. Below are some cases of the effects of blood circulation.
In this circulatory system, about 20% of the blood pumped from our heart goes to the brain, which only represents 2% of our body's weight.

Good Blood Circulation gives:
* Good memory and concentration
* Good coordination of body parts
* Quick response to stimulation

Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Headache
* Feeling faint and dizziness
* Reduced or poor mental clarity - forget names easily
* Poor comprehension of figures

Severely Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Dementia
o Short term memory loss, inability to think through problems, confusion, paranoia, bizarre behaviour
* Stroke
o Long term build up of cholesterol in the brain's blood vessels may narrow the blood vessels and hence, disrupt blood flow.
o When the blood vessels in the brain are blocked or rupture due to increased pressure, a person is said to suffer from stroke.
o Stroke victims may suffer paralysis, impaired speech, or even death.

Heart Muscles
Good Blood Circulation gives:
* Good energy and stamina
* Regular and normal heart rate

Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Shortness of breath
o Breathing difficulty is a common symptom of inadequate blood flow to the heart
* Feeling faint and dizziness
* Fatigue
o Easily feels tired when performing physical activities such as jogging

Severely Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Angina
o Chest pains due to poor circulation to the heart
* Heart attack
o Fatty materials build up gradually in the heart's blood vessels, narrowing the path and obstructs blood flow. Eventually, this triggers a heart attack.
o Heart failure have a high risk of death, while a mild or moderate heart attack may gradually cause heart failure months or years after the heart attack.

Our liver performs many vital functions, which includes:
* Metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein
* Removal of worn-out cells, drugs and toxins
* Storage for glycogen, vitamins and minerals
* Activating Vitamin D
Good Blood Circulation gives:
* Good energy and stamina
* Few or no allergies
* Smooth and healthy skin
* Normal glucose level
Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Poor appetite and weight loss
* Itchy skin
Severely Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Lethargy
* Jaundice
Our kidneys
* Eliminate excess water, urea, uric acid and other waste materials
* Regulate the blood pressure, blood pH and blood volume
* Help synthesize and secrete hormones
Good Blood Circulation gives:
* Good energy and stamina
* Little or no incidence of water retention
* Normal blood pressure and heart rate
Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Build-up of waste and water in your body
o Symptoms: Swelling of face, hands, ankles or feet
* Fatigue
* Rapid heart rate and light-headedness
Severely Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Kidney failure
Good Blood Circulation gives:
* Warm feet and hands
* Low incidence of foot ulcer
* Quick healing of all wounds
Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Cold hands and feet, may feel numb
Severely Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Varicose veins
* Poor healing of wounds
* Cyanosis
o Skin looks blue due to lack of oxygen supply to body parts
Reproductive Organs
Good Blood Circulation gives:
* Normal sex drive
* Hormonal balance
* Enhanced vitality
Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Low libido
Severely Unhealthy Blood Circulation gives:
* Impotency

Number of Ways to Control High Blood Pressure Naturally

Stop smoking. Not only will this help keep your blood pressure in line, you'll also diminish your risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Smoking is main risk factor for atherosclerosis.Smoking injures blood vessel walls and speeds up the process of hardening of the arteries. So even though it does not cause high blood pressure, smoking is bad for anyone, especially those with high blood pressure. If you smoke, quit. If you don't smoke, don't start. Once you quit, your risk of having a heart attack is reduced after the first year. So you have a lot to gain by quitting.

Weight Reduction. Obese patients should lose weight.There's a direct link between being overweight and having high blood pressure. The more overweight you are, the greater the risk. Start by making small changes. Cut 200 to 300 calories from your diet each day — about the equivalent of saying "no" to two chocolate chip cookies.

Decrease salt intake. High salt intake is linked to high blood pressure. You should consume no more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day (about one teaspoon of salt). The average American consumes twice that, often through canned soups, frozen dinners, soy sauce, pickles, olives and processed cheeses, which are loaded with sodium. Read food labels and select reduced-sodium products. Try to select food with low salt.

Add more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products to your plate. Eat one additional fruit or vegetable with every meal. Shrink the size of your daily meat intake to six ounces, and designate at least two dinners a week as meat-free. Fatty diets do not directly affect blood pressure. However, saturated fats and cholesterol in foods raise blood cholesterol, which increases the risk for heart disease. Foods high in fats also are high in calories, which must be reduced if you need to lose weight. Like smoking high cholestrol is also a major risk factor for atherosclerosis.

Limit alcohol consumption. Drink no more than one 12-ounce beer, one 5-ounce glass of wine or one swallow (1.5 ounces) of 80-proof whiskey if you’re a woman. Men can double these amounts. Anything more elevates blood pressure. You can reduce your blood pressure by 5-10 mmHg by just restricting Alcohol intake.

Exercise. First, get the green light from your physician. Then, slowly introduce aerobic exercise into your life, increasing the time and intensity at a pace that feels right, aiming for at least a 30-minute workout most days of the week. Young people should jog for 30 minutes three times per week and elderly patients should walk longer distances than usual.

Decrease Stress and Anxiety: Yes stress and anxiety also play role in high blood presure.If You want your blood pressure with in normal limits, try your self to get happy all times. Try extra curricular activities to make your mind stress free. Stress can make blood pressure go up for a while, and it has been thought to contribute to high blood pressure. But the long-term effects of stress are as yet unclear. Stress management techniques do not seem to prevent high blood pressure. However, such techniques may have other benefits, such as making you feel better or helping you to control over-eating.

Caffeine and Blood Pressure: Caffeine in coffee as well as in other drinks, such as tea and sodas, only raises blood pressure temporarily. So you should be able to continue to have drinks that contain caffeine, unless you are sensitive to it or have heart disease and your doctor tells you not to have any.

Eat adequate amounts of potassium-rich foods. Potassium, another mineral essential to good health, works in concert with sodium to regulate blood pressure. Studies have shown that people who consume more potassium have lower blood pressures than those who consume less. Rich sources of potassium include many fruits, such as cantaloupe, bananas, watermelon, oranges and orange juice, as well as potatoes, spinach, and zucchini. (Important note: if taking medication for high blood pressure, such as diuretics, consult a doctor before using salt substitutes that contain high amounts of potassium.

Prevention For Dark Circles to get rid off..!!

The below mentioned eye care tips helps you have an healthy and beautiful eyes free of eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables like carrots, drumstick, spinach., papaya and mangoes. All these are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes.

Take adequate rest. Rest will refresh the eyes and help them work more efficiently.

Exercise regularly to improve blood circulation. Only then your eyes are sure to receive enough oxygen for good performance.

Drink at least 12 glasses of water to avoid any kind of puffiness in the eyes. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out waste from the body.

Do not rub your eyes for any reason but instead just blink your eyelids. Blinking is a good massage and exercise to the eyes.

Use a clean cotton ball dipped in milk to clean your eyes. Milk is a good and safe natural cleanser.

To induce a glow into your eyes insert 2 drops of pure rose water using a dropper.
This also gives you an special eye lift.

Regularly apply oil mixed in glycerin to your eye lashes and eye brows to keep them dense and dark.

Always use sunglasses during the peak day time to protect your eyes from sunrays. Direct sunrays cause heavy damage to eyes.

Place a slice of potato or cucumber on both the eyes, after 10 minutes remove and wash the eyes. This helps to avoid under eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

Dealing With Dark Circles

A lot of people put in 16 - 20 hour days with work, family and leisure time. And the last four to eight hour is spent in fitful, non-restful sleep. The results of a poor night's sleep can be dark circles under the eyes.

What are dark circles?

Dark Circles are deep shadows below the eyes. They can mask the energy and vitality you feel with a haggard and tired look. Dark circles may be accompanied by swelling commonly referred to bags under the eyes.

What makes dark circles?

Dark circles may be caused either by stressful or incomplete sleep or a deficiency of some nutrient like vitamin K. Some additional causes are outlined below.

Heredity: Like varicose veins, dark circles under the eyes can be an inherited trait. If you have dark circles, there is a chance that others in your family also have them. The skin under you eye may be very thin. When blood passes through the large veins close to the surface of the skin it can produce a bluish tint. The more transparent the skin you inherited, the darker the circles can appear.

Your skeletal framework: Yet another reason for increased dark circles is prominent cheekbones and deep-set eyes. These create hollow contours below the eyes, the shadow of which give the illusion of darkened skin under the eyes even though they are really not present.

Pigmentation can occur with age, when the tiny capillaries in the skin get weakened and thus leaky. The fluid from these leaky capillaries along with the hemoglobin slowly accumulates below the eyes, thereby forming the look of dark circles

Hormonal Changes and Allergies: Any condition that causes the eyes to itch can contribute to darker circles due to rubbing or scratching the skin around them. Hay fever sufferers particularly will notice under-eye "smudges" during the height of the allergy season. Some food allergies can also cause the area under the eyes to appear darker.

The combined effect of inflammation, chronic sun damage and the downward pull of gravity on dark circles result in to the puffiness, popularly know as the "bags under the eyes".

Treating dark Circles?

There are strategies available to cure and eliminate dark circles in addition to the ones that you may have learned from your grandmother.

Masking with cosmetics

Quick and reliable, this method simply demands you covering up your dark circles with a yellow base to counteract the blue tones in your skin.

Use your Grandmother's tricks

Place cool cucumbers or moist, cool tea bags on your eyes. This method is effective in reducing inflammation because of the tannic acid present in the tea.

Eat a healthy diet.

Taking in a diet right in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin K is helpful in reducing the dark circles. A combination of topical Vitamin A by products like retinol along with Vitamin K can be also be helpful.


It is actually possible to get fat deposited under the eyes if your dark circles are caused by thin skin. This is a radical yet effective cure.

Using Ocuderm?

Ocuderm offers a technologically advanced way to fade dark circles and reduce puffiness under the eyes. You apply it around the eye area in a gentle circular motion. Regular use results in fading and thereby completely eliminating dark circles and puffiness under the eye

No dieting for weight loss

1. You want a weight loss program that works
2. You are a serial dieter, because you can never lose weight and then keep it off.In fact you seem to end up heavier and more depressed than before

Possibly a third reason would be that you have become very cynical about all the new diets promoted by the 'stars' of television and the movies!!
Perhaps like me, you just see it as a means for fading stars making money by endorsements.
Most female stars are thin, and if you knew how much they starved themselves because they believe thin is beautiful, you might, or might not be surprised!!
Perhaps I'm just an old cynic too!!
There are a number of excuses we make for ourselves so we program in defeat before we begin a weight loss program.

The first thing to note is, that we are all on a diet all the time, so why go on a diet to lose weight!!
Our diet is what we are eating now, and all we really need to know is that if we eat 3000 calories per day, but only expend 2800 calories per day, then we will get heavier, until our increased weight means we need to expend 3000 calories just to lumber around!!

This may be simplistic, but it is a very simple principle.
Taking the whole thing in reverse, it should therefore be possible to lose weight by reducing the calorie intake on a daily basis.
Unfortunately this doesn't work for long.
Supposing you decrease your calories from 3000 per day to 2000, then logically you will lose weight, and for a while you do.

Two things happen, and the first is that you need less calories for your daily energy requirements because you weigh less, but secondly and more importantly the internal computer we all have detects that starvation is on the way, and it automatically reduces our energy use, so we only expend 2000 calories a day.
In addition it lays down fat deposits, as a 'rainy day' store anticipating a future without enough food.
Low calorie diets just don't work for this reason.

In fact 'diets' don't work because of the association the word 'diet' has. Diet means pain and torture, and it is interesting to discover what springs into your mind when you hear the 'D' word.
Excuses, and reasons pour out, and phrases like

1. You just put all the weight back on again
2. I'm too busy to eat healthily
3. I can't keep track of my eating
4. It takes too long to see results
5. The food on a diet is boring!!

The main comment seems to use the words 'willpower' - as in I don't have any!!
So let us examine some simple principles.
Suppose you are 28 pounds overweight, how happy would you be, if it took you a year to lose it, and then it stayed off permanently?
You would be less than sensible to say that is too long a time span, because it almost certainly went on slowly, a pound at a time, at first unnoticed!!
Forget the word ‘diet’.
Just do the following:
1. Write down everything you eat and drink over a seven day peiod.
2. Let a close friend see it, and ask them to circle your ‘vices’. We all have them, whether it is cookies, or chocolate, or wine. It may be biscuits, or two pints of milk a day – whatever.

All you need to do is find an easy way to eat less of them!!
Do this now.
Think of something that really makes you feel sick.
In my case it would be finding a cigarette end in a can I was drinking at a party
It would be imagining all the hairs that stick in the plug in the wash hand basin being in a glass of milk.
It might be finding a fly in your mouth when you drink cola.

Then do the following.
Take your thumb, and rub it against your four finger in small circular motions, whilst thinking of the thing that makes you nauseous, and you will feel really sick.

All you have to do, is to associate that with the item of food, be it milk, chocolate, cookies, wine or whatever. Every time you are tempted just rub your thumb and forefinger together, and temptation will vanish!!

Just by doing that you will begin the process of slow weight loss.
You are not on a diet – never forget, all you want is weight control, and that simple step will go a long way towards helping you to achieve your ideal weight, whilst painlessly cutting out your ‘vices’.

Healthiest Fruits For Humans for day today

Userful Fruites for the Human's which are available near to us and which will help for the Good Health to stay fit and Strong.

1. Apples - 1 medium apple (80 calories, 0 g fat): An apple's 3 g of fiber help you meet your fiber goal of 20 g to 30 g daily. High-fiber diets can lower heart disease risk;

2. Apricots - 3 apricots (51 calories, 0 g fat): A good source of beta-carotene (which is converted to vitamin A by the body), providing the equivalent of 35% of the RDA for vitamin A;

3. Bananas - 1 medium (105 calories, 0 g fat): Bananas are a great source of potassium, which plays a key role in heart health and muscle function. Plus each one has 2 g of fiber;

4. Blackberries - 1 cup (74 calories, 0 g fat): This fruit boasts a whopping 10 g of fiber in a single cup;

5. Blueberries - 1 cup (81 calories, 0 g fat): Blueberries help prevent and treat bladder infections by making it hard for bacteria to stick to urinary tract walls;

6. Cherries - 1 cup (84 calories, 1 g fat): A good source of perillyl alcohol, which helps prevent cancer in animals. Heart-protective anthocyanins give cherries their color;

7. Grapefruits - 1/2 fruit (39 calories, 0 g fat): A good source of vitamin C and a compound called naringenin, which helps suppress tumors in animals;

8. Kiwi - 1 medium (46 calories, 0 g fat): Just one little fruit packs a mean vitamin-C punch (74 mg) and an impressive 2.8 g fiber;

9. Mangoes - 1 mango (135 calories, 1 g fat): A single mango has enough beta-carotene to cover your RDA for vitamin A while racking up 57 mg of vitamin C;

10. Oranges fruits- 1 orange (61 calories, 0 g fat): One orange provides an impressive 50 mg to 70 mg of vitamin C, 40 mcg of folic acid and 52 mg of calcium;

11. Papayas - 1 cup, cubed (55 calories, 0 g fat): Loaded with vitamin C (86 mg per cup), a healthy dose of fiber (2.5 g) and a sprinkling of beta-carotene and calcium;

12. Purple grapes - 1 small (113 calories, 9 g fat):Offer three heart-guarding compounds: flavonoids, anthocyanins and resveratrol (green grapes are not rich in them);

13. Prunes - 1/3 cup, stewed (87 calories, 0 g fat): Prunes' famed laxative effect is no mystery: There are 5 g of fiber (both soluble and insoluble) in just 1/3 cup;

14. Raspberries - 1 cup (60 calories, 0 g fat): Teeming with 8 g of fiber per cup, they also boast vitamin C, ellagic acid and anthocyanins;

15. Strawberries - 1 cup, sliced (50 calories, 0 g fat): Strawberries have high levels of ellagic acid and anthocyanins, and are rich in vitamin C (95 mg per cup) and fiber (3.8 g per cup).