AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM.
Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC (POWER) version 7 enables a unique performance advantage for AIX OS.
POWER7 features new capabilities using multiple cores and multiple CPU threads, creating a pool of virtual CPUs.
AIX 7 includes a new built-in clustering capability called Cluster Aware
AIX POWER7 systems include the Active Memory Expansion feature.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

HACMP log files...!!!

/usr/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts --- to accept incoming communication from clcomdES (cluster communucation enahanced security)

Note: If there is an unresolvable label in the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts file,
then all clcomdES connections from remote nodes will be denied.

cluster manager clstrmgrES
cluster lock Daemon (clockdES)
cluster multi peer extension communication daemon (clsmuxpdES)

The clcomdES is used for cluster configuration operations such as cluster synchronisation
cluster management (C-SPoC) * Dynamic re-configuration DARE configuration. (DARE ) operation.

For clcomdES there should be atleast 20 MB free space in /var file system.
/var/hacmp/clcomd/clcomd.log --it requires 2 MB
/var/hacmp/clcomd/clcomdiag.log --it requires 18MB
Additional 1 MB required for
/var/hacmp/odmcache directory

clverfify.log also present in /var directory
/var/hacmp/clverify/current//* contains log for mcurrent execution of clverify
/var/hacmp/clverify/pass//* contains logs from the last passed verification
/var/hacmp/clverify/pass.prev//* contains log from the second last passed verification

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