AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM.
Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC (POWER) version 7 enables a unique performance advantage for AIX OS.
POWER7 features new capabilities using multiple cores and multiple CPU threads, creating a pool of virtual CPUs.
AIX 7 includes a new built-in clustering capability called Cluster Aware
AIX POWER7 systems include the Active Memory Expansion feature.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Change default value of hcheck_interval

The default value of hcheck_interval for VSCSI hdisks is set to 0, meaning that health checking is disabled. The hcheck_interval attribute of an hdisk can only be changed online if the volume group to which the hdisk belongs, is not active. If the volume group is active, the ODM value of the hcheck_interval can be altered in the CuAt class, as shown in the following example for hdisk0:

# chdev -l hdisk0 -a hcheck_interval=60 -P

The change will then be applied once the system is rebooted. However, it is possible to change the default value of the hcheck_interval attribute in the PdAt ODM class. As a result, you won't have to worry about its value anymore and newly discovered hdisks will automatically get the new default value, as illustrated in the example below:

# odmget -q 'attribute = hcheck_interval AND uniquetype = \
PCM/friend/vscsi' PdAt | sed 's/deflt = \"0\"/deflt = \"60\"/' \
| odmchange -o PdAt -q 'attribute = hcheck_interval AND \
uniquetype = PCM/friend/vscsi'