AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM.
Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC (POWER) version 7 enables a unique performance advantage for AIX OS.
POWER7 features new capabilities using multiple cores and multiple CPU threads, creating a pool of virtual CPUs.
AIX 7 includes a new built-in clustering capability called Cluster Aware
AIX POWER7 systems include the Active Memory Expansion feature.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More AIX Commands Useful..!!


lsvg                                        Display all VGs
lsvg -o                                      Display all active VGs
lsvg rootvg                                  Display info about rootvg
lsvg  -l rootvg                              Display info about all LVs in rootvg
lsvg -o |lsvg -il                            Display info about all LVs in all VGs
lsvg  -p rootvg                              Display info about all PVs in rootvg
mkvg  -s 8 hdisk1                          Create VG with name vgxx on hdisk1 with partition size 8MB
mkvg -s 8 -y sivg hdisk1                     Create VG with name sivg on hdisk1 with partition size 8MB
mkvg -s 4 -t 2 -y sivg hdisk1              Create sivg on hdisk1 with PP size 4 and no of partions 2 * 1016
chvg -a y newvg                            To cuase VG newvg automatically activated at startup
chvg -a n newvg                            To deactivate the automatic activation at startup
chvg -t 2 newvg                           To change maximum no. of PP to 2032 on vg newvg
chvg -Q n newvg                           To disable quorum on VG newvg
reorgvg  newvg                            Reorganises PP allocation of  VG newvg
extendvg newvg hdisk3 hdisk4              Add PV hdisk3 and hdisk4 to VG newvg
exportvg newvg                            Exports the VG newvg
importvg -V 44 -y newvg   hdisk2            Import the hdisk2 with name  newvg, and assign major number 44
redcucevg newvg hdisk3                    Remove PV hdisk3 from VG newvg
varyoffvg newvg                                 To deactviate VG newvg
varyonvg newvg                                  To activate VG newvg
syncvg -v sivg                                       To sync the mirrored LV in the VG sivg
mirrorvg -S -m sivg hdisk2                 To mirror LVs of sivg with hdisk2 (-m for exact mirror, -S
forbackground  mirror)
unmirrorvg sivg hdisk2                       To remove the mirrored PV from the set.


lsfs                                                          Lists all filesystems in the /etc/filesystems entry
lsfs -q                                                     List all filesystems with detailed info
lsfs -a                                                     To list all filesystems (default)
lsfs -l                                                       Specify the output in list format
lsfs -c                                                      Specify the output in column format
lsfs -v jfs                                                Lists all jfs filesystems
chfs -a size=24576 /si                         Change size of FS /si to 24576 x 512 bytes blocks (12 MB)
chfs -a size=+24576 /si                       Add 24576 x 512 byte blocks to FS /si
chfs -m /si /bi                                        Change the mount point from /si to /bi
chfs -A /si                                              To auto mount the filesystem si
chfs -d account /si                               Remove account attribute of /si. ( from /etc/filesystems file)
chfs -a splitcopy=/backup -a copy=2 /oracle  This will mount the 2nd copy of mirrored filesystem oracle to
/backup in read-only mode
crfs -v jfs -g testvg -a size=64465 -m /SHIVA    Creates FS /SHIVA of type jfs in VG testvg of blocksize 64465
crfs -v jfs -d /dev/lv00 -m /SHIVA  Create FS /SHIVA of type jfs on device /dev/lv00
rmfs /SHIVA                                        Deletes FS /SHIVA and associated LV
rmfs -r /SHIVA                                    Deletes FS /SHIVA its mount point and associated LV
defragfs /sifs                                         To defragment the file system /sifs
defragfs -q /sifs                                    Display the current defrag status of the file system
fsck  -y n /dev/lv00                             To fsck the filesystem associated to /dev/lv00 assuming response "yes"
fsck -p /dev/lv00                                 To restore superblock from backup superblock 


lspv hdisk0                                            Display status and characteristics of the PV
lspv -p hdisk0                                       Display  PP usage of hdisk0                                                             
lspv -l hdisk0                                        To list all logical volumes on PV hdisk0
chpv -v r hdisk1                                   Close the PV (Used while removing PV without varyon)
chpv -v a hdisk1                                  Open the PV
chpv -c hdisk0                                      Clear the master boot record on PV hdisk0
migratepv  hdisk1 hdisk2                   To move PPs from PV hdisk1 to hdisk2
migratepv -l silv hdisk1 hdisk2         To migrate LV silv from PV hdisk1 to hdisk2


lslv -l lv00                                              Display info about LV by PV
lslv -p hdisk1                                        Display LV allocation map for hdisk1
chlv -t copy lv00                                  To change the lv00 to copy type
chlv -p r lv00                                        To change the lv00 to readonly mode
rmlv silv                                                 To remove silv
rmlv -f silv                                             To remove silv without user intervention
mklv  -s n -c 3 silv hdisk1                   To make LV silv  with three copies on hdisk1
extendlv  silv 5                                     To extend the LV silv with 5 LPs
mklvcopy -s n lvsi 2 hdisk1               To mirror LV lvsi on same PV with 2 copies
mklvcopy lvsi 3 hdisk1 hdisk2         To mirror LV lvsi on PV hdisk1 and hdisk2 with 3 copies
rmlvcopy lvsi 2 hdisk1                       Will remove one copy of  LV lsvi from hdisk1
mklv -t jfslog -y log00 newvg 2        To create a jfslog with name log00 on VG newvg with 2LPs
logform /dev/log00                             To format jfslog volume log00


bootlist -m normal -o                          To see the boot sequence in normal mode
bootlist -m service -o                           To see the boot sequence in service mode
bootlist -m normal cd0 hdisk0          To change boot sequence to cd0,hdisk0 in normal mode
bootlist -m service cd0 rmt0 hdisk0                 To change boot sequence to cd0,rmt0,hdisk0 in service mode
bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk1                    To create boot image on PV hdisk1
mkboot -cd /dev/hdisk1                     To clear the boot image
bootinfo -b                                            Specifies the bootable disk
bootinfo - t                                            Specifies the type of boot
bootinfo -e                                            Check the machine can boot from tape
bootinfo -T                                           To see the machine type
bootinfo -s hdisk0                               To see the size of hdisk0
bootinfo -r                                             To see the size of memory


lsps -a                                                     To list out all paging spaces
lsps hd6                                                 To display the details of the paging space hd6
chps -a y paging00                              To turn on the paging space paging00
chps -a n paging00                              To turn off the paging space paging00
chps -s4 paging00                                To increase the size of the paging space in 4 LP blocks
mkps -a -n -s4 sivg                              To create a paging space on VG sivg of 4 LP size (-s4) and activate it
immediately (-n) and activate it at every restarts
rmps paging00                                     To remove the paging space paging00
swapon -a                                             To invoke all entries in /etc/swapspaces file
swapon /dev/paging00                       To make available swap space paging00


sysdumpdev -l                                      To list the current dump destination
sysdumpdev -L                                    List the details of the previous dump
sysdumpstart -p                                   Starts dump in the primary dump device
sysdumpstart -s                                    Starts dump in the secondary dump device
sysdumpdev -p /dev/lv00                  To make lv00 as primary dump device
sysdumpdev -P -p /dev/lv00             To make lv00 as primary dump device permanently
sysdumpdev -s /dev/rmt0                  To make rmt0 as secondary dump device
sysdumpdev -z                                     To determine a new system dump occurred

Device related commands

cfgmgr                                                   To configure devices and installs device software in system
cfgmgr -l vscsi0                                    To configure the components connected to the vscsi0 interface
lscfg                                                        To display config, diagnostics and vital product definition info
lscfg -l mem0                                        Display info about device mem0
lscfg -l ent*                                           Display info about all Ethernet cards
lscfg -v                                                   Display vpd
lscfg -v -l hdisk0                                   Display vpd of hdisk0
mkdev   -l rmt0                                    To change device rmt0 from defined state to available state
lsdev -P                                                  To lists all supported devices
lsdev -P -c disk                                     To list all supported disks
lsdev -P -r class                                     To display supported class
lsdev -P -r subclass                              To display all sub class
lsdev -C                                                 To lists all configured devices
lsdev -C -l mem0                                 To display the properties of mem0
chdev -l sys0 -a maxproc=100         To change default maxproc value to 100
chdev -l rmt0 -a blocksize=512        To change the block size to 512
chdev -l rmt0 -a ret=no                       To avoid tape retension
rmdev -l rmt0                                       To remove the device rmt0
rmdev -d -l rmt0                                   To remove the device totally from database
rmdev -l rmt0 -S                                   To change the state of the device stopped
lsparent -C -k  rs232                            To display possible parent devices which accept rs232 devices
lsparent -C -l hdisk0                            To display parent devices which accept child device hdisk0
lsattr -Dl rmt0                                       To see the default values of the device rmt0
lsattr -El rmt0                                       To see the current values of the device rmt0
lsattr -El tty0 -a login -R                     To see all possible values of the login attribute of tty0
lsconn -p scsi0                                      To list all possible connection scsi0 can accept
lvlstmajor                                              To list the available major numbers
mknod /dev/null c 2 2                        Create null device with major (2) and minor (2) nos. (c - char device)

Console emulation commands

lscons                                                     To list the current console
lscons -b                                                To list the console at next boot
chcons /dev/tty3                                  To change the console to tty3
chcons -a login=enable /dev/tty3     Redirect console to tty3 and provide login prompt
swcons /dev/tty3                                 To change system console to tty3 temporarily

Installation specific commands

lslpp -l                                                    To see the details of installed file sets
lslpp -ha*                               To list the installation history of all file set in packages
lslpp -f bos.rte                                       To list the files in the bos.rte package
lslpp -w /etc/hosts                                To list the file set which contain /etc/hosts file
lslpp -p                   To list the pre requisites for file set
installp -L -d /dev/rmt0.1                   To list the installable products on the device rmt0
installp -aX -d /dev/rmt0.1  To install all filesets within and expands file system if it requires
installp -u                                                To remove
installp -r                                               To reject the applied software
installp -c -f <product>                       To commit the <product>
installp -C                                              To cleanup an incomplete installation
lppchk -c <product>                            To check the <product>
instfix -k IX9999 -d /dev/rmt0.1      To install the file set associated with fix IX9999 from rmt0
instfix  -ik IX9999                               To verify fix IX9999 installed

Network related commands

host                                  Resolves ip to host name (from /etc/hosts file)
host ibm                                                                Resolve ibm to ip address (from /etc/hosts file)
hostname ibm                                      To change the host name to ibm
entstat en0                                            To the status of ethernet device en0
entstat -d en0                                       To list the detailed status of device en0
no -a                                                       To list all net configurable attributes and their values
no -d thewall                                         To change thewall parameter to its default value
no -o ipforwarding=1                          To make the machine as router in tcpip networks
traceroute ibm                                      To trace the route to ibm
ping ibm                                                                To tcp ping to the machine ibm
ifconfig -a                                             To show the status of all network interfaces
ifconfig en0                                          To show the status of en0
ifconfig en0 up                                     Turns on network card en0
ifconfig en0 down                               Turns off network card en0
ifconfig en0 detach                             Removes en0 card from the network interface list
ifconfig en0 inet netmask up         
                                                                Configure en0 starts immediately
ifconfig en0 alias          Create alias ip address for en0
route add 0                  To make as default gateway for entire network
route add    To make 13.7 as gateway for 12.0 network
route -f                                                   To clear the gateway table
chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=si           To change the host name to si permanently
netstat -a                                               To show the state of all sockets
netstat -c                                               To show the network buffers cache
netstat -D                                              To show the net drops of packets
netstat -i                                                                To display interface statistics
netstat -r                                                To show the routing table
netstat -rn                                              To show routing table (ip will be given instead of host names)
netstat -s                                                To show the statistics of the protocols
netstat -s -p < tcp/udp/ipv6>             To show the statistics of respective protocols

Space usage commands

du -k                                                       To list number of bytes in 1k blocks
du -l                                                        To list number of bytes in 512 bytes blocks
du -s                                                       To list only the total disk usage in the current directory
df -i                                                         To display no of free and used inodes
df -k                                                       To display diskspace in 1024 bytes format

Backup commands

mksysb -i -X /dev/rmt0                      Creates and system backup (-X expands /tmp if required)
mksysb -m /dev/rmt0                         Creates file with map file and system backup
mksysb -e /dev/rmt0                           Creates system data but excludes the files listed in /etc/exclude.rootvg
mkszfile                                                 Creates / file
mkcd -d /dev/cd1                                                Creates system boot backup to the CD-R device /dev/cd1
mkcd -d /dev/cd1 -v vg00                 Creates  backup of vg vg00 to CD-R device /dev/cd1
mkcd -d /dev/cd1 -G                           Creates  generic boot backup
savevg -i -f /dev/rmt0 vg00               Creates image file and backup vg vg00
savevg -ef  /dev/rmt0 vg00                               Creates vg00 backup but excludes files listed in the /etc/exclude.vg00
find / -print | backup -ivf /dev/rmt0 Backup entire system to rmt0
backup -0vf /dev/rmt0 /home          Backup /home directory to rmt0 with backup level 0
restore -Tvf /dev/rmt0                        List the archive in rmt0
restore -xvf /dev/rmt0 /home            Restore /home from archive in device rmt0
find ./home -print |cpio -ocvumB > /dev/rmt0
Archives /home directory
cpio -icvdumB < /dev/rmt0               Restores cpio archive from rmt0
cpio -ivt < /dev/rmt0                           List the contents of cpio archive from rmt0
cpio -icvd < /dev/rmt0 /home           Restores /home directory from rmt0
tar -cvf /dev/rmt0                /home                   Archives /home to rmt0 device
tar -tvf /dev/rmt0                                                List the archives in rmt0
tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 /home                   Extract /home from rmt0
dd if=si of=si1 conv=ebcdic              Convert and copy ascii file si to ebcdic si1
dd if=/dev/rmt0 ibs=512 obs=1024 of=/dev/rmt1
                                                                To copy blocks from rmt0 with 512 blocks to rmt1 with 1024 blocks
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind                      To rewind the tape
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 offline                      To eject the tape
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 status                        To show the status of tape
chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512      To change the block size of the tape to 512
Print commands

qchk -q                                                  To display the default q
qchk -P lp0                                            To display the status of the printer lp0
qchk -# 123                                          To display the status of job number 123
qchk -A                                                  To display the status of all queues
qcan -x 123                                          To cancel the print job 123
qcan -X -P lp0                                      To cancel all jobs submitted to lp0
qpri -#570 -a 25                                   To change the priority of the job to 25
qhld # 569                                             To hold the  job 569
qhld -r -#569                                         To remove holding from 569
qmov -m lpa -#11                               To move the job 11 to queue lpa
enable psq                                             To enable queue psq
disable psq                                            To disable queue psq
cancel -#111                                         To cancel job 111
lpstat                                                      To display the status all queues
lpstat -p lp0                                           To display the status of print queue lp0
lpstat -u root                                         To display the jobs submitted by user root
lpq -P lp0                                               To display the status of queue lp0

last                                                          To list all the records in the /var/adm/wtmp file
last |grep shutdown                             To show the shutdown sessions
uptime   (w -u )                                     To show how long the system has been up

Licensing commands

oslevel                                                    To list the operating system level
lslicense                                                 To see the number of license
chlicense -u30                                      To change the fixed user license to 30
chlicense -f  on                                     To enable floating user license

User commands

id    To list all system identifications for current user
id -gn       To list the default group for current user
id -Gn          To list all system groups for current user
lsuser root         To list the attribute of user root
lsuser ALL               To list the attributes of all users
lsuser -a HOME ALL     To list the home directory of all users
lsuser -a ALL         To list all usernames
lsuser -a auth1 auth2 ALL   To list the authentication method for all users
lsuser -a expires ALL              To list expiry date
lsuser -a account_locked ALL          To check account lock status of all users
chuser -a login=true san                     To enable the user san
chuser -a rlogin=true san                    Enable san to login remotely
mkuser si    Creates user si with default values in /usr/lib/security/mkuser.defalault
mkuser su=false   si      Create user si without su facility
rmuser si                      To remove user si
rmuser -p si           To remove user si and his all attributes
who                                                        List users with tty nos and ip numbers
who /var/adm/wtmp                           Lists history of login logout system startup and shutdowns
who -r                                                     To list the run level
who am i /who -m                               To list the current user
mkgroup dcm                                       To create the group dcm
chgroup users=u1,u2,u3 dcm            To add users u1 u2 and u3 to dcm  group
rmgroup dcm                                        To delete the group dcm
chauthent                                              To change the authentication methods

Subsystem Commands

lssrc -a                                                    To list the status of all subsystems
lssrc -h node1 -a                                   To list the status of all subsystems  on foreign host node1
lssrc -s kadmind                                   To list the status of the subsystem kadmind
lssrc -g tcpip                                          To get the status of the subsystem group tcpip
mkssys                                                   To add a subsystem
rmssys -s kerberos                               To remove the subsystem kerberos
chssys -s kerb -s kad                           To rename the subsystem kerb to kad
startsrc -s kadmin                                To start the subsystem kadmin
startsrc -g tcpip                                     To start the subsystem group tcpip
stopsrc -s kadmin                                                To stop the subsystem kadmin
stopsrc -g tcpip                                     To stop the subsystem group tcpip
refresh -s nfsd                                       To refresh nfsd subsystem
refresh -g tcpip                                     To refresh tcpip subsystem group

Scheduling commands

crontab -l                                               To list the crontab entries
crontab -e                                              To edit the crontab entries
crontab -l > /si                                      To copies the entries of crontab to /si file
crontab -r                                              To remove all crontab entries
crontab -v                                             To list the submission time
/var/adm/cron/cron.allow                  File containing users who allowed cron service
/var/adm/cron/cron.deny                  File containing users denied cron service
at -l                                                         To list the jobs scheduled via at command
at -r  root.dfjdhjdh.21                         To remove the scheduled job root.dfjdhjdh.21
/var/adm/cron/at.allow                      File containing users who allowed at service
/var/adm/cron/at.deny                       File containing users denied at service
batch                                                      To run the command when the system load permits
atq  joe                                                  To list all the jobs submitted by user joe

ODM Commands

odmget sm_menu_opt                     
To get the objects from class sm_menu_opt
odmget -q "id=licenses" sm_menu_opt
                                To list objects that matches query id=licenses from object sm_menu_opt
odmdelete -o sm_menu_opt -q "id=licenses"
                                To delete the entries from class sm_menu_opt which agrees the query id=licenses
odmshow sm_menu_opt
                                To show the object class definition
odmdrop -o sm_menu_opt
                                To drop sm_menu_opt object class
odmchange -o sm_menu_opt -q "id=licenses" file1
                                To change the attributes from file1

errpt                                                        To display complete summary of report
errpt -a                                                   To list complete detailed report
errpt -d H                                               To list all hardware related errors
errpt -d S                                                To list all software related errors
errpt -a -j 34564423                            To list detailed error report of error id 34564423
chitab tty002:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty
                                                                To enter the entry tty002:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty in inittab
lssrc -g portmap                                   To start tcpip

HACMP Commands

/tmp/hacmp.out                  Detailed event script output logged in 7 day rolling history
/var/adm/cluster.log            High level view of cluster events (No clean up on this file)
/usr/sbin/cluster/history/cluster.mmdd            Day by day view of cluster events. (one file / day of month)
/tmp/cm.log                          Clstrmgr messages
/tmp/cspoc.log                     Output from C-SPOC commands (similar to smit.log)
/tmp/emuhacmp.out          Output from event emulation

rdist  -b -f  /etc/disfile1        To distribute the files in disfile1 to all nodes in disfile1 in binary mode
Sample entry for disfile1
                                                HOSTS = ( root@node1 root@node3 )
                                                FILES = ( /etc/passwd /etc/security/passwd)
                                                ${FILES} -> ${HOSTS}
clstart -m -s -b -i -l                                To start cluster daemons (m-clstrmgr, s-clsmuxpd,
                                                                                b-broadcast message, -i-clinfo, -l cllockd)
clstop -f -N                                            To force shutdown cluster immediately without releasing resources
clstop -g -N                                            To do graceful shutdown immediately with no takeover
clstop -gr -N                                          To do graceful shutdown immediately with takeover

cldare  -t                                                                To sync the cluster toplogy
cldare -t -f                                             To do the mock sync of topology
cldare -r                                                 To sync the cluster resources
cldare -r -f                                             To do the mock sync of resources

clverify                                                  cluster verification utility

cllscf                                                       To list clustur topology information
cllsclstr                                                   To list the name and security level of the cluster
cllsnode                                                 To list the info about the cluster nodes
cllsnode -i node1                                  To list info about node1
cllsdisk -g shrg                                      To list the PVID of the shared hard disk for resource group shrg
cllsnw                                                     To list all cluster networks
cllsnw -n ether1                                    To list the details of network ether1
cllsif                                                        To list the details by network adapter
cllsif -n node1_service                        To list the details of network adapter node1_service
cllsvg                                                      To list the shared vgs which can be accessed by all nodes
cllsvg -g sh1                                          To list the shared vgs in resource group sh1
cllslv                                                       To list the shared lvs
cllslv -g sh1                                           To list the shared lvs in the resource group sh1
cllsdisk -g sh1                                       To list the PVID of disks in  the resource group sh1
cllsfs                                                       To list the shared  file systems
cllsfs -g sh1                                           To list the shared file systems in the resource group sh1
cllsnim                                                   Show info about all network modules
cllsnim -n ether                                     Show info about ether network module
cllsparam -n node1                             To list the runtime parameters for the node node1
cllsserv                                                   To list all the application servers

claddclstr -i 3 -n dcm                          To add a cluster definition with name dcm and id 3
claddnode                                             To add an adapter
claddnim                                               To add network interface module
claddgrp -g sh1 -r cascading -n n1 n2              To create resource group sh1 with nodes n1,n2 in cascade
claddserv -s ser1 -b /usr/start -e /usr/stop        Creates an application server ser1 with startscript as /usr/start
                                                                                and stop script as /usr/stop

clchclstr -i 2 -n dcmds                        To change cluster definitions name to dcmds and id to 2
clchclstr -s enhanced                           To change the clustur security to enhanced
clchnode                                                To change the adapter parameters
clchgrp                                                   To change the resource group name or node relationship
clchparam                                             To change the run time parameters (like verbose logging)
clchserv                                                 To change the name of app. server or change the start/end scripts
clrmclstr                                                 To remove the cluster definition
clrmgrp -g sh1                                       To delete the resource group sh1 and related resources
clrmnim ether                                       To remove the network interface module ether
clrmnode -n node1                              To remove the node node1
clrmnode -a node1_svc                      To remove the adapter named node1_svc
clrmres -g sh1                                       To remove all resources from resource group sh1
clrmserv  app1                                     To remove the application server app1
clrmserv ALL                                       To remove all applicaion servers
clgetactivenodes -n node1                 To list the nodes with active cluster manager processes from cluster
                                                                manager on node node1
clgetaddr node1                                   returns a pingable address from node node1
clgetgrp -g sh1                                      To list the info about resource group sh1
clgetgrp -g sh1 -f nodes                       To list the participating nodes in the resource group sh1
clgetif                                                     To list interface name/interface device name/netmask associated with
                                                                a specified ip label / ip address of a specific node
clgetip sh1                                             To get the ip label associated to the resource group
clgetnet               To list the network for ip, netmask
clgetvg -l nodelv                                   To list the VG of LV nodelv
cllistlogs                                                 To list the logs
clnodename -a node5                         To add node5 to the cluster
clnodename -o node5 -n node3        To change the cluster node name node5 to node3
clshowres                                               Lists resources defined for all resource group
clfindres                                                 To find the resource group within a cluster
xclconfig                                               X utility for cluster configuration
xhacmpm                                             X utility for hacmp management
xclstat                                                    X utility for cluster status

NIM Commands

nimconfig -a pif_name=en0 -a netname=net1
                                To initialise the NIM master with network name net1
nimconfig -r          To rebuild /etc/niminfo file which contains the variables for NIM

nim -o define -t lpp_source -a source=/dev/cd0 -a server=master -a location=/export/lpp_source/lpp_source1 lpp_source1

                To define  lpp_source1 image in /export/lpp_source/lpp_source directory from source cd0

nim -o define -t mksysb -a server=master  -a location=/resources/mksysb.image mksysb1
                To define mksysb resource mksysb1, from source /resources/mksysb.image on master

nim -o remove inst_resource                 To remove the resource inst_resource
nim -o check lpp_source1                 To check the status of  lpp_source lpp_source1
nim -o allocate -a spot=spot1 -a lpp_source=lpp_source1 node1                 To allocate the resources spot1 and lpp_source1 to the the client node1
nim -o bos_inst node1                 To initialise NIM for the BOS installation on node1 with the allocated resources
nim  -o dkls_init   dcmds             To initialize the machine dcmds as diskless operation
nim -o dtls_init dcmds               To initialize the machine dcmds for dataless operation
nim -o cust dcmds                  To initialize the machine dcmds for customize operation
nim -o diag dcmds                 To initialize the machine dcmds for diag operation
nim -o maint dcmds                  To initialize the machine dcmds for maintenance operation
nim -o define -t standalone -a platform=rspc -a if1="net1 dcmds xxxxx" -a cable_type1=bnc dcmds
                To define the machine dcmds as standalone with platform as rspc and network as net1 with cable
type bnc and mac address xxxxx
nim -o unconfig master               To unconfigure nim master master
nim -o allocate -a spot=spot1 dcmds             
To allocate the resource spot1 from machine dcmds
nim -o deallocate -a spot=spot1 dcmds         
To de allocate the resource spot1 from machine dcmds
nim -o remove dcmds To re move machine dcmds after removing all resources associated to it
nim -o reboot dcmds          To reboot ther client dcmds
nim -o define -t lpp_source -a location=/software/lpp1 -a server=master -a source=/dev/cd0 lpp1
                To define lppsource lpp1 on master at /software/lpp1 directory from source device /dev/cd0
lsnim                                                                      To list the nim resources
lsnim -l  dcmds                                                     To list the detailed info about the object dcmds
lsnim -O dcmds                                                    To list the operation dcmds object can support
lsnim -c resources dcmds                                   To list the resources allocated to the machine dcmds

nimclient                               The client version of nim command (User can obtain same results of nim in server )